
Refund Policy
Our commitment at Knowledge Wave India is to ensure your satisfaction and success in your learning journey. With this in mind. Customers can request a refund within 24 hours of the original transaction. However, please be advised that refund requests will not be entertained after this 24-hour period. Refunds are subject to deductions, including a payment gateway fee of 2% and a processing fee of 5%, both calculated based on the paid amount.

Disclaimer: Our company strictly adheres to the 24-hour refund window, and any refund requests received beyond this timeframe will not be processed. We appreciate your understanding of our policy.

Refund Process: To request a refund, please follow these steps: - Email: Send a refund request to knowledgewaveindia@gmail.com from your registered e-mail ID. 
Include the following details:-
Full Name -
Registered e-mail ID -
Registration date -
Screenshot of Payment Invoice with date and time (received via email/message upon payment) -
Reason for refund